Solbar Food Technologies is a benchmark company in Israel’s soybean-production industry.
Founded in 1961, Solbar is the largest soybean crusher and soybean-oil refiner in the country. Solbar Food Technologies is among Israel’s
most recognized and respected supply companies. Solbar Food Technologies has more than 150 clients in Israel.
They include some of Israel’s leading companies in the agricultural, food-production and even paint industries.
The knowledge and experience our Department of Development and Quality Assurance has gleaned over many years enables us to conduct research and development of advanced products that soybean components can yield.

Of Trade
Our Department of Trade examines, on a daily basis, freight-transportation trends and follows the commodities market for soybeans, soy meal, soy oils and board crush. The Department knows how to very carefully manage risks – for ourselves and for all of our valued clients.

Solbar Food Technologies turns soybeans into key components that our 150+ client-companies rely upon in two main areas: animal feed (for livestock and poultry) and food products for humans: primarily baking products and frozen products. Our products include: Soy Meal, Soy Hulls, Soapstock, Crude Soybean Oil, Refined Soybean Oil.
of annual crush
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